Information on the Faculty & Staff of the UCA PT Program.
William Bandy, PhD, PT, SCS, ATC: PhD in physical therapy, TWU. Teaches orthopedics,sports,research. Research interests are in adaptation of the musculoskeletal system. Clinical specialty: sports.
James Fletcher, MS, PT, ATC: MS in physical therapy, UCA. Teaches kinesiology for assistants, patient care skills, electrotherapy, orthopedics. Research interests are electrotherapy,education. Clinical specialty: out patient orthopedics, spine.
Stephen Hearn, MS, PT: MS in physical therapy, UCA. Teaches therapeutic procedures, therapeutic agents, electrothereapy, home health elective. Research interests: electrotherapy. Clinical specialty: home health.
Clayton Holmes, EdD, MS, PT, ATC: EdD UALR,MS in exercise physiology, Purdue University, Teaches: kinesiology, orthopedics,sports, and spine. Research interests: outcomes of outpatien orthopedic PT, pt education, patient compliance. Clinical specialty: outpatient, orthopedics, spine.
Glenn Irion, PhD, PT, ATC, CWS: PhD in physiology, Temple University School of Medicine. Teaches: pathology, cardiopulmonary PT, wound care, women's health, pharmacology, electrotherapy. Research interests: wound healing, cardiopulmonary, incontinence. Clinical specialty: wound care,cardiopulmonary, incontinence.
Jean Irion, MEd, PT, ATC, SCS: MEd in sports medicine, Temple University, in doctoral studies at UALR. Teaches ortho,clinical ed., kinesiology, aquatic therapy, industrial rehab, women's health. Research interests: aquatic therapy, women's health. Clinical specialty: industrial rehab, aquatic therapy, sports,ortho.,women's health.
Loretta Knutson, PhD, PT, PCS: PhD in exercise science, University of Iowa. Teaches: pediatrics, research, embryology. Research interests: pediatrics, gait, kinesiologic electromyography, orthotics, computer-based education. Clinical specialty: pediatrics.
Venita Lovelace-Chandler, PhD, PT, PCS: PhD in health education, Texas A&M. Teaches: pediatrics, professional issues. Research interests: pediatrics. Clinical specialty: pediatrics, neonatal.
Twala Maresh, BS, PT: BS in PT, UCA currently in the advanced MS program at UCA. Teaches: therapeutic prcedures, patient care skills, physical rehabilitation. Research interests: spinal cord injury. Clinical specialty: inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, spinal cord injury, orthotics, wheel chair clinic, home health.
Amy McMillan, MS, PT: Candidate for Phd in neurobiology, University of Delaware. Teaches: adult and pediatric neuro. Research interests: development of motor control and coordination in children with or without neurologic deficits. Clinical specialty: pediatric and adult neuro rehab.
Bruce Mendleson, PhD: PhD in neuroscience, University of Oregon. Teaches: gross anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology. Research interests: spinal cord injury, developmental neurobiology.
Carrie Philipps, BS, ACCE: BS in Physical Education, UCA. Teaches clinical education.
Nancy B. Reese, PhD, PT: PhD in anatomy. Teaches: neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, kinesiology. Research interests: spinal cord injury. Clinical specialty: adult and pediatric neuro rehab.
No information available
Gary Soderberg, PhD, PT, FAPTA: PhD in exercise science/biomechanics. Teaches: kinesiology, research. Research interests: dysfunctional muscle, electromyography.
Reta Zabel, Phd, PT, GCS: Phd from Texas Womens University. MS in physical therapy, UCA. Teaches: adult neuro, clinical decision making, geriatrics. Research nterests: geriatrics. Clinical specialty: home health, geriatrics.
  • Reta Zabel:
Jennifer Summerville:
Betty Young: