Updated 4/8/99
Welcome to the Unofficial UCA Physical Therapy
Homepage. As all web pages are, this page will always be
under construction. I am currently a PT student at University of Central Arkansas.
I made this page to offer various sources of informaton to
other PT/PTA students as well as pre-PT students. If there is
anything that you would like to see added to this page, please
let me know.
- 4/8/99: I've started to put together an updated address, telephone and e-mail list for the Class of 1999.
- If you would like to be notified whenever this page is
updated, send me an e-mail!
Please take a moment to read this important message for Class of '99 PT students...here
Misc. Links for UCA students |
Address List
Sonya's Neuro I review
Class of '98 Homepage
The APTA Homepage
PT Central : This site
was created by a DPT student. A VERY good site
Edward's PT page for PT students
ORCN Rehab
Services Search Engine
Matrix Search Engine
Physiotherapy Global Links
World of
Physical Therapy (alot of info at this page!)
services: If you like getting e-mail, then subscribe to
some of these list services! (A GOOD PLACE TO LOOK FOR INFO ON YOUR THESIS PAPERS)
Jeff Coppock's PT/OT page: Another 2nd year UCA
Medscape This site isn't
solely devoted to PT topics, but it has alot of health
related information.
Medline: Access
to LOADS of medical related information(this is the same
Medline found in the Library, but I think it's easier to use)
Physicaltherapist.com :A great site for anything related to PT!!
Chat room
for PT topics
Sport&Spine website
Backbuster Website-- A website for LBP
Team Rehab website
Professor Homepages at UCA
Dr. Mendleson's Anatomy And Pathology Notes can be found here!(even though he is on his clinical)
James Fletcher's
Electrotherapy class notes..and then some.
Dr. Glenn Irion's
Jean Irion's Page
Dr. Clayton Holmes'
Twala Maresh's
Dr. Reta Zabel's
Dr. Loretta Knutson's
Dr. Loretta Knutson's
Other Page(her Neuro I page)
Information on
Faculty/Staff of the UCA PT program
For comments/feedback, you can contact me here...
Since 1/16/97, this page has been visited
The Legal stuff...hey you never know....Any comments/opinions
presented on this page are strictly mine( Adam Pomfret) and do
not necessarily reflect those of the University of Central
Arkansas, or the faculty and staff of the UCA Physical Therapy